It may be even worse if you think that the reason for the stop has to do with your race or ethnic background, if you have been stopped for no good reason, or if the officer is not respectful to you.
Racial profiling by police includes situations where a Black, Indigenous or other racialized individual is stopped by police while walking, while out with friends, while driving, etc. for no good reason, (or during driving stops when police are not required to have a reason), and when the police decision to act is even partly influenced by racial stereotypes or bias. It is also profiling if you are from a racialized or marginalized group and police or security officers treat you as suspicious when they have no good reason to believe you have done anything wrong. The attitudes that lead to racial profiling might be consciously or unconsciously held, so a police officer might not be doing something deliberately or obviously racist, and might not even be aware that they have a bias. The way police forces operate as a system can also lead to racial profiling.